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Solo Playing - Chord Exercise To Simulate Playing Solo

It's sort of a step 1.

(ESP) Bienvenid@ a! Aca una lección muy simple. Cuando pienso en las clases y ejercicios que hacemos de improvisación, pienso que hacemos técnica y muchas otras cosas. Es una gran actividad, y es muy simple. Algunos de mis estudiantes que son nuevos en tocar vibráfono de jazz trabajan sobre esto. Agarras dos acordes menores a una distancia de 4ta justa, por ejemplo Fa menor (que va a Sib menor [...]

Neighbor Tone Practice (this is rough)

First, this is a short sample of some rough practice time. Be aware. Just being accountable and looking for any feedback as to whether I'm on the right track. I do feel like this is helping.

One of the hardest things for me, personally, as I develop as an improviser, is "hearing" lines inside of the chord structure that AREN'T the actual chord tones, OR similarly....hearing lines that don't follow a diatonic pattern, e.g. up/down the scale. I realize this is probably very common at my early stage of learning, but it's non the less a bit frustrating...

How to Harmonize a Melody: "Georgia on my Mind" (G. Perin) -V

Hi vibes friends,
In this lesson I'm going to show you an easy and effective method to harmonize the melody of "Georgia on my Mind".
Make sure to download the pdf before watching the video.

Your homework is to use the same method to harmonize the B section of the standard (there's is a free staff for you to complete in the worksheet)

Taking RogersVibes Suggestions: All The Things You Are

Thanks Tristan, for the tips. I played around with them today. I play the head and then twice through the tune with quarters.

My goals for this practice:

*Simplify the accompaniment.
*Easy on the pedal.
*Stick to ONLY quarter notes on the solo section.

I slowed this down a bit more because I wanted to try and make some changes without feeling like the time was going by faster than my brain was working.