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Here's another: All The Things You Are

Figured I'd post one more tune I have been working on the last few days...where I am using or hoping to use, the same basic approach I did with the last tune i posted earlier (There'll never be another you) - trying to play the tune in TIME, staying true to the chord structure, and then using primarily quarter notes and (basic) comping to work my way through it after playing the melody.

The key for me is staying in time and not losing my place! :)

And playing the right notes. Ha.

Practicing as Tony Recommended!

Accountability: There Will Never Be Another You

Hi! So, I've got so many things to learn and work on it's almost overwhelming. Yet when I drill it down, the skills I need the MOST are simply learning tunes, playing tunes (in time), and starting to develop lines and ideas. I certainly have enough technical skill right now to get by and I can read all day long, yet as an improviser....and as someone who can learn and remember tunes, I'm a complete beginner.

Happy International Jazz Day

National Science Foundation contacted me at the fire house in McMurdo Station and asked if I would put something together for International Jazz Day from Antarctica. This was at the end of my shift on 4/25. They said they needed two-and-a-half minutes of recorded music by the afternoon of 4/26. I got off work the morning of 4/26, went straight to the Chapel Of The Snows (where I keep my vibraphone and practice), got four volunteers from the firehouse to hold camera phones while I played.