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Florian Poser: St. MOUNTAIN - Concertino for Vibraphone & Orchestra


some of you may not know that I composed MUSIC for VIBRAPHONE & ORCHESTRA (beside my jazz works) as well as CHAMBER MUSIC with VIBRAPHONE...

For more infos please have a look at MY WEBSITE !!! (Please be a little patient while the site first time builds up - there are many audio files etc. on it...)



Improv Concepts Clinic Presentation - Ed Saindon

Hello everyone, here's a videoclip from a clinic on improvisation that I presented at Berklee (last summer) for the Summer Program faculty. The topics covered Tension Resolution, Four Note Groupings and Major 7th #5 Superimposition. The clip features David Clark on bass and myself on piano playing written out solos (that can be viewed/downloaded from here:…) based on each of those specific improv concepts.