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Found a very nice M55 about a half hour from home, so I am selling my Jencos.

The particulars: 3 octave, non-graduated bars, one speed motor with the three pulleys for three speeds of vibrato. The felt is ok to adequate, all of the bars are muted when the damper is up.

Upper register is a little glock-y, lower register is a little thin, middle register is actually kind of sweet.

Everything works.

It ain't a beauty, but it's alright.

$850 OBO, I will deliver anywhere within an hour of Salem MA.

Here's the craigslist ad:


russell Tue, 08/23/2011 - 22:49

I've got them up on craigslist now for $750:

I will sell these to anybody here on vibesworkshop for $650. I gotta move'em.

Anybody have a student who needs a workable and compact instrument to study on?

Anybody need a short-money set of vibes to drag around to rehearsals or leave in a practice room?

They aren't spectacular but they are complete, and they work. No missing pieces, no bent posts, no broken motor, no weird damper pedal made out of old sled parts.

$650 takes them, if you're anywhere near Boston I will deliver or meet you something like halfway.
