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Hello Nico,

In addition to the van der Plas Gel Pad (wonderful product) what other suggestions (changes) would you make for improving the MUSSER M55 ?


nico Sun, 10/02/2011 - 13:26

and diagonal bracing.
The bracing as it is (also the M-bracing Musser added a couple of years ago) is not solid enough.
Point is that it is not the keybed that needs to be supported with the braces, but the crossbar at the pedal position, so there is no point into connecting the braces to the keybed (opposite of the M48 where it has to).

twitter #vibetech

tpvibe Tue, 10/04/2011 - 10:08

In reply to by nico

Hello Nico,

Thank you for your insights on the M55.

In addition to your casters (where can we find them in the US ? ) which others would you recommend for the M55 in the US ?

Thank you.

Marie-Noëlle Tue, 10/04/2011 - 11:44

In reply to by tonymiceli

Oh man you're funny Tony! You wrote "castors" instead of "casters". What would you like those poor animals to do in your store!!! I feel like not correcting that one!! Sorry... (love ya!) :o)

bob leatherbarrow Wed, 10/05/2011 - 00:50

In reply to by nico

I have Nico's total-lock casters on my 55 - they're excellent, and the extra 2" of height really help if you are tall like me.
Thanks Nico - cheers

vibraman Tue, 10/04/2011 - 12:03

hey nico,
how much would be the m-brace for the m55 and why don´t you built them out of carbon :)?

i defnetly need to come to your place with my m55 and you need to fix my wheels. i will bring it for the next workshop i think


nico Thu, 10/06/2011 - 07:26

In reply to by vibraman

Cause carbon isn't always the most ideal and magic material you might think it is ;-)

Price depends on what you exactly need, so best just sending a mail.


vibraman Thu, 10/06/2011 - 15:46

In reply to by nico

hey nico,

carbon is not magic but light and i don´t want to carry more than i need since i turned 40 this year:)

now serious, my musser modell is the old one that doesn´t have the 2 metall braces like on the pic below. the problem is that my cross bar is instable and moving because of this. can you built them almost like on the picture and do you think that solves the problem? they look slim and easy weight and don´t look solid like on the piper modell which seem to be more efficient but also more weight to carry and to me looking ugly (ofc this is no big factor for me). the m-braces on your gigvibes look like something inbetween. i also like on the new musser modell (like on the pic) that it is attached to the frame permanent, so you just fold them and put them into the bag with the frame, so there´s no extra part to think of if you pack them after the gig. i know all this are minor aspects but to me those things are important.

your opinion on this is appreciated !

thanks in adavance

p.s if you would start making carbon hardware for drums for a affordable price i would be your first customer!

tonymiceli Thu, 10/06/2011 - 21:35

In reply to by vibraman

those crossbraces are a drag. they bend and warp pretty easily. they're not a good solution but better then the old way.

nico Fri, 10/07/2011 - 03:21

In reply to by vibraman

Like I mentioned in an earlier post, the M-shaped braces as on your picture are not the best way to stabilize an M55.
Use our dagonal braces and your provibe is as stable as a battle tank.
An yes, they are about 300 grams heavier then when it would be carbon fiber, but in this case would do the job bettr for a much better price.

twitter #vibetech