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Wolfgang Schlüter - all I know about him

Hi Philippe!

Almost the only thing I know about Wolfgang Schlüter is a record (LP) I have - it is called Houseboat released 1978 under MPS (0068.206; MPS 15.535). As far as I know this LP was never released as CD.

I briefly checked Youtube but with no result for Wolfgang Schlüter.

Here are some links to websites giving some info on WS: - sorry but all German language.

Vince Guaraldi Tifoo's versions

Here are my two practice versions of Vince Guaraldi etude by TM.
The first one is a normal playing version, and the second one is an attempt to use the 2 hands separately.
I don't play the head entirely, I start improvising over the chords quite fast...
This is where I am today with this tune that I really enjoy playing... go ahead, tell me what you see/hear...I'm here to make pogress
1st take :
2d take

feb 8th

that's our next vibe hang. you should play something. work up a short version of green dolphin or whatever!

what do you think. you'll have to get set on mogulus and we could try a demo run.

let me know if your'e intersted.

Stand Behind The Instrument by Tony Miceli

Yep, standing behind the instrument and practicing will help you get better. Did you know that??

Also how to take techniques and work on them in musical settings.

(Read the beginning of the Dampening and Pedaling book! That's I think where Dave Friedman talks about playing scales in non linear ways!!!

Technique is cool, just don't get too caught up in it!

Forum Topic: 70's Funk Tunes featuring vibes

I thought of two tunes from the early 70's which feature vibes fairly prominently. The first is a one hit wonder by a singer/songwriter/guitarist named William DeVaughn entitled, "Be Thankful For What You Got." I had heard it driving to a gig last week on WXPN's "Funky Friday" program. I remember it from high school. One of the lyrics: "Diamond in the back / sunroof top / digging the scene with a gangster lean" became a catchphrase and appeared in numerous rap/hip hop records of the '90s. DeVaughn, a Washington, D.C.