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RIP Dave Samuels

Very sad. I have some great memories of Dave.

Of course he left a lot of great music behind.

My Samuels story is going to a gig he had in Delaware with my best friends wife. He was working and said take Annie with you! So we went. Had a great time I think. It was 40 years ago!!!! I remember a couple things.

The club was empty except for us.
Dave played great but I don't remember who was in the band. I bet it was piano and vibes, however none of that has stayed in my memory. I just remember thinking about how great he was!

Chordal Blues with Dampening

An excerpt from future book on vibraphone dampening. This is a chorus on an F Blues which utilizes various dampening techniques. The book will feature etudes, exercises and pieces illustrating various dampening techniques and uses. Making headway but it's going to be a big project taking me well into the Fall. Meanwhile, my book for Voicing Concepts for the Jazz Vibist is available from Amazon.

The chorus can be viewed and downloaded. The link is in the video description.