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Good Vibes on the Radio, June 2018

Hey all,
I came to the website to post about my June show, then got overtaken by the Konnakkol duet and completely forgot my intention. Check it out in recent activity if you haven't already done so. Amazing is too small a word.
So now to get back on track:
I'm introducing Nick Mancini's new CD The Long Game with a beauty of a track called "Gingerlilly."

M55 on RockNRoller

I know a lot of people use a RockNRoller or similar to transport their instruments, but I'm having trouble figuring it out. An M55 frame is 56 inches long. So if you lay it flat, you need the biggest model (60" base) and that doesn't leave any room for the bars. And that RockNRoller weighs 35 lbs. on its own.

So what do you do? Stand up the frame and bungee it? Lay it across the bed? Neither of those options seem stable. Advice appreciated -- pictures even more :-).

Tom P.

Dedicated To You - Solo

I've always loved this tune from the Coltrane and Johnny Hartman album. Joe Locke also has a great version on his first "Blues and Ballads" CD. I got to play it on a gig recently with a sax player. I had a job interview this morning and I was already dressed up, so I thought I would shoot a quick and dirty (but clean clothes!) video of a quick performance.