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If I Should Lose You Chord Study for Dan

My student Dan asked me for a chord etude on this tune. So here it is with the rhythms.

The tune: If I Should Lose You

Assignment: right in the chord symbols and analyze what I'm doing.

@Dan, why don't you write up something about this? And why don't you play it and record it and post your version. My chords then your chords.

@Everyone else: Why don't you check this out and think of some questions. I'm asking if you have questions. I'm asking you to think of questions. Create some dialogue.

All the Young Guys Will Laugh! And It's not a Vibraphone.... However

It's a mallet instrument and all these old(er) people got together to make a group. I think it's pretty cool.

There are a lot of older people on the site who picked up the vibes later in life. That's amazing to me. There is one guy, Roger who lives in central PA, he works more than I do now.