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Everybody's Song But My Own (Kenny Wheeler) - Solo Vibraphone

On a semester break working on this beautiful song composed by the late Kenny Wheeler, a wonderful musician and composer who left us in September of 2014. I just learned about this song last week from Joe (Locke) who was here for a visit. Of course Joe played it unbelievably and in a way only he could. It's a beautiful song but somewhat tricky to improvise on melodically and make the changes. Here's my first stab at it.

Happy Holidays!


New TOTMs as of 12/23/15

Hi everyone,

Tony and I discussed our new TOTMs. They will be "Giant Steps" and "There Will Never Be Another You." For Giant Steps, we'll discuss the various different treatments of the tune. If Giant Steps is a little too difficult, follow the lessons for There Will Never Be Another You.

Both these tunes are great, so do both if you can! Keep on the lookout for new lessons.


TOTM - Green Dolphin - More on Chords Chords Chords

This is being translated for Chinese students.

歡迎來到,我們正在討論我們的每月一曲Green Dolphin Street。我之前講過如何交互演奏和弦以及和弦音,是一種可以練和弦配置的好方法,我喜歡用四分音符來練習,我覺得這是一種很好的方式來練習拍子(Time),因為你需要打和弦最上面的音也就是弦律,所以這也是很好練習聽力(Ears)的方式。我之前是在打和弦及和弦音的交互演奏,等你練好那之後,試著練習和弦及和弦交互演奏,或著兩種方式混在一起練。 所以如果我打(~Music~)現在!可以用經過和弦(Passing Chord),阿~我這邊有點打錯。(~Music~)是不是個很好的練習?如果你把速度加快練習,練好你就可以做到很多事。(~Music~)。所以我剛剛試著把和弦打在任意地一拍上,你可以發現有很多東西可以練,這樣的練習很刺激,如果你一直打下去不要停,你會拿到成績A,重點就是在保持速度不要停。而且你可以在裡面自己創造不同東西。(~Music~)。

Good Vibes Radio update January '16


Hi Everyone,
January is coming up fast! The next edition of Good Vibes airs on the third at 8-10pm eastern.
New albums getting some air time include Joe's Love Is a Pendulum, Warren's Invictus (drummer Reggie Quinerly's offering), the duo of Mark Sherman and Kenny Barron on Interplay, Julie Kelly's Happy To Be with Nick Mancini, Anthony's Play It Forward Vol I, Tony's and David's duo album 4042 Miles, and Rez Abbasi's Acoustic Quartet with Bill Ware. Plus lots more. Two hours of vibraphone heaven! Come join me.
Don't forget Good Vibes on The Radio is on Facebook.

TOTM - Green Dolphin - Chord Note Chord

This is being translated for Chinese Students

歡迎來到,我們正在討論我們的每月一曲Green Dolphin Street還有 You Don't Know What Love Is. 我現在來研究Green Dolphin Street,我們要來做的事是很好應用在Green Dolphin Street中的,也就是學習如何在旋律上配和聲,以下是我以前都是這麼練,第一我要先聽熟這首曲子(~Music~),你聽到這首曲子了嗎?好!所以接下來我要做的事是我第一拍先打和弦(~Music~)一、二、三、四... (~Music~)這樣我就有很多時間去思考拍子、和弦配置(the voice),這是一首很好做這個練習的曲子(~Music~),我就是每拍都打和弦還有和弦音,這是個很簡單的練習,但是非常非常有用!如果你練起來了,而且加快速度打,可以訓練自己立刻打出一些非常有趣有好聽的和弦配置,所以如果我這樣(~Music~)。一開始要放慢速度,所以你可以在這其中找到一些和弦與和弦間的循環(~Music~),就是這樣!好!這是個非常簡單的一課。