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Good Vibes, February '14 -- First World Vibes Congress First Hour

Hi All,
I am attaching the February Good Vibes program online. In it I talk about the First World Vibes Congress last January and play some music from most of the attendees. It will be in two postings. This is the first hour, which is divided by a few seconds into segments 1 and 2, each a half hour. Listen at your leisure.

Vibraphone Warriors

So I was just thinking...

This weekend Tony is organizing a Virtual Day of Percussion featuring the vibraphone. It sounds like it'll be great, but I think the real success will come from how many extra people we- the vibes community- get to participate. At the World Vibes Congress we talked about how important it is for us to promote this instrument, and the VDOP is a perfect opportunity to do that. Unfortunately I won't catch any of the VDOP because of another event, but I'm doing what I can to spread the word and get people to check it out. Here are some ideas:

Solo Vibraphone Practice - Alone Together (Take Three)

Practicing solo vibraphone on Alone Together. Here is Take 3 out of three takes. This version has more of an emphasis on counterpoint and more active left hand accompaniment techniques.

Other Takes:

Take 1: This is a fairly brief two chorus version that includes right hand octaves along with left hand accompaniment and pedal point in the bridge of the 2nd chorus.