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Marie's Newsletter - September 2013

There comes September, getting back from holidays, starting work/school, nature changing into gold, days getting shorter and colder… good resolutions? Ok, there we are: tons of lessons on not less than 4 tunes! Books to read and discuss about, music to listen to, vibes to buy… Enjoy our September newsletter and join us on the site!


* Tony Miceli:

- Autumn Leaves – Voicings for Stefan:

- TOTM – Peace – Analyzation:

Forum Topic: Need a vibe!!!

I'm looking to buy a vibe in, around, or that will ship to Berlin, Germany. Preferably graduated bars with my top choices being M46, M55, YV-3710, or M48. BUT, I am open to anything right now so, if you have one to sell please hit me up. Doesn't have to be in perfect condition as I'm pretty good at fixing them - and a motor is not necessary. Thanks and peace. Jeremy


Good Vibes radio October update


Hi All,
Want to know what is happening in October on Good Vibes radio? Of 19 tunes only four are standards. Three are reharmonizations of Lennon/McCartney and Stevie Wonder. The remaining 12 are newer contemporary compositions (eight of those were written by the performing musicians).
When I hear people say that good jazz is no longer being written, I ask them to please listen to my show. And when I hear people wondering about "where jazz is going," I tell them the same.

Forum Topic: Saito Vibraphone for sale with pack n go case. $1000

A Saito Vibraphone in good working condition. Need a bar from the muffler to the Sustain bar but I can get one made or you could do it yourself and take some $ off the price.

It comes with its own pack and go case on wheels.

Email for more information.

Located in Baltimore MD


TOTM - Summertime - Etude No. 1 by Behn Gillece

Here is a simple chord melody for the TOTM, "Summertime." This is an ideal etude for beginners who are trying to grasp playing with 4 mallets and doing chord melodies. I've deliberately left it fairly simple, although I put in a few challenging measures to introduce mallet dampening and a few interesting voicings. Hope this helps!
