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Another milestone

Hi all.
Between yesterday and today something great happened in my playing, that I was expecting for, wondering if it would happen someday or not.
I was practising Solar, and suddenly I was able to play new chords on the fly, that is, playing new voicings, and different chords than premeditated.
And today that "flash" had a confirmation while playing Soul Eyes.
It can be something uneventfull for many people, but for me it's another (big) victory, that means I'm on the way to reach on vibes what I can already do on guitar, and it's a kind of validation of 3 years of efforts.

Forum Topic: Gary Burton Bootleg channel - seen this??

Hi all,

Has anyone seen this Gary Burton Bootleg channel on Youtube? (Has Gary seen it?)

Wow! There are many live recordings from concerts in the mid-70's. All the great material from that era - with the Metheny 4tet and the Metheny-Goodrick 5tet. Check this out folks: what a schooling to hear these! Everyone sounds incredible...Gary & crew delivering amazing tunes night after night, and totally smoking!

There's also a video of Falling Grace with Chick in 1976, right around the time of Crystal Silence.
