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Marie's Newsletter - May 2013

Darn that Dream!! Tony and Behn are getting "out of control" posting so many great lessons to study this beautiful tune from all its aspect! Come and join us! If you’re not a subscriber, don’t miss our "Lesson of the Month" accessible for all members for a few weeks! And as usual testimonies, discussions, info on gears, announcements, projects, and musical posts from some of our members. Don’t forget tomorrow Sunday, is Gloria’s 3rd anniversary of her great 100% good vibes radio show!


* Tony Miceli:

Secret Love by Tony Miceli - An Imperfect Recording

I won't tell you who the players are because this is an imperfect recording. But I thought it would be fun to listen to for several reasons.

The drummer and basist are GREAT players. All over the world cats.

Listen to:

The bass player learning the tune. He doesn't really know it, but he's figuring it out on the fly. He screws up the form for the first couple choruses. He has something else in his head. That happens a lot.

BUTTTTT listen to my solo. First chorus they are in 2 and then they kick it into 4. Can you hear that? They make the whole thing come alive.