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I got 4 mallets, not acquainted with the arrangement, thanks to my great teachers, they all applauded!

The video(s) are going on-site for all to see and the message is, " if you respect your music teacher and his offerings, you can always come up with a "quality conclusion!".

Mike Pinto demonstrates "how to approach playing a melody line, as written, when you are not acquainted with it!". Note the improv's as they improve from the first chorus onward, even with my "jumping in" for a couple of bars and then "getting out", leaving him to continue on beautifully and in the end, the favorable applauds of the listeners!

Jazz Bot

I think Tony posted something from this mallet robot previously, but here you can see it that it can be some pretty senseless technology. If anybody thinks this has anything to do with Monk or 'Trane, please tell me what drug you are on... !