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Body and Soul by Philippe Briand

Hi everybody. It's been a long time, I know. I went into hibernation for a couple of months in order to study that book by Hal Galper, Forward Motion. I did some artwork (pastels, a real cool hobby)as well and so I lost touch with all of you guys. I'm really ashamed. Here is some Body and Soul I played yesterday, over a comping tape that my piano-player friend JB Mira made for me (bass and dms are Real Tracks). Here it is. I promise to come back on the site more regularly.

Teaching Jazz

This time I hope to get some feed back for as you know Jazz has been my life. I will be 86 yrs old October 13th and I am still trying to find different things to play on songs that I have been playing all my life (Not Easy). Now what I am about to say will throw a curve to a lot of your members but I say this from experience and I will try to explain what I am about to say as best as I can.

"YOU CANNOT TEACH ANYBODY TO REALLY PLAY JAZZ!" What you can teach them is how to compose, write songs. Back in the 50's I had a student that played the Vibes pretty good and now wanted to play jazz.