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Using the Blues To Practice Simplicity by Tony Miceli -V

Here's what I was doing tonight. Just playing bach and then the blues. Trying to get something from the Cello Suite that I'm working in into the blues. Somehow the simplicity of and the magic of Bach's lines carried over at least in my mind. Then I decided to turn this into a lesson.

This is just a free flowing sort of lesson. I just 'ran the tape' and here's what came out. I hope some of you guys take a crack at this.

I Don't Want His Gig!

My buddy Jim Miller Lived out in the Midwest. His gig (years ago) was to set up in a club, wait for someone to put money in the juke box and then play drums along with the record that was playing. That freaked me out.

So check out this video of this cat playing along with tracks, rap and pop with ?marching drums????? Seems really strange and not something I'd ever want to do.

Could you guys do a gig like this?

The Art of the Duo

You know I feel like you guys are an extension of my brain. I know some of you get that and that you would agree with me about your own brain. All this discussion and opinions about stuff stays with me! I've learned so much about duo playing from just hanging out with you guys and talking here.

My project with Diane Monroe is fueled by this site and all of you! We are working hard to get a duo group together and to work out the kinks. There are so many things that become apparent when you are baseless and drumless!

How Do I Subscribe To the Vibesworkshop Roku Channel?

How Do I Subscribe To the Vibesworkshop Roku Channel?

Instructions for creating subscriber channels on on Roku

The on Roku application allows subscribers to create individualized channels of videos for display (see Check This Out for more info on the app). At release, I've seeded the app with channels for Ed Saindon, Joe Locke, Tony Miceli and myself.

Just Friends by Nicolas Farrugia

Hello Vibesworkshop,

This is a solo version of Just Friends. I tried to make the chords or just the bass ring and play over it..

After listening to it again I figured out I've mistaken on the A and A' part... it's supposed to be A A' A A' etc.. but it seems I was a bit lost sometimes and did A twice... well :)

Please give your feedback ! I'd appreciate.

Nico Farrugia

ps : this is my "new" practice space! :)