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Playing vibes while seated, etc.

This is to anyone who might be interested:
After considerable experimentation I've concluded that one way of playing vibes while seated is to use a hydraulic barstool and raise it to a point where the keyboard is slightly below the pelvic area. The swivel pedal, with a little practice, can be manipulated with the heel of either foot, after slanting the pedal slightly upward as opposed to its normal down position, with a wooden block or bed riser right next to the pedal and the toe rests on the block or riser with the heel slanted toward the center of the swivel pedal.

Forum Topic: Practicing ii-V-I

I was thinking about practicing and was asking myself how I could make practicing ii-V-I more interesting.

So I thought it would be cool to collect a list of ii-V-I licks from great players and work on them in all keys. Fortunately I've got the Charlie Parker Omni book and I'm looking through it and see a bunch of really nice lines over these changes. Transpose to all keys and use the Aebersold ii-V-I play-along and you've got a real interesting and structured way of honing your ii-V-I skills.


Ave Maria Duet by BarryK and Marie-Noëlle

Marie asked me if I could re-record the Bach Prelude 1 so that she could sing the Gounod Ave Maria on top of it. Of course I said "YES!".

With some planning over Skype, here is what we have to present to the VibesWorkshop.

I added tremolo to this version, and played along with with the headphones.

Turns out, after I recorded my track, I read that Gounod added an extra measure to smooth the chord changes, but Marie handled the Prelude version just fine!



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It was great to read what your gang wrote about what I said about not being able to teach Jazz. What I got back was not really what I was looking for. I only heard all the cliches. Listen to a lot of jazz-use your ears-know theory and chords - anybody can improvise which happens to be true . It may not be the most melodic improvisation but it is improvising. Even what you said

Forum Topic: Practicing

I've never really developed a practice routine that seemed to produce a really full and rounding feeling after practicing. Especially entering the summer and getting away from school, when i'll have hours and hours to dedicate to practicing everyday, i want to develop something fairly concrete that I can base my practicing around. I feel like i'm missing some important aspects of my playing in my practicing because they get pushed aside for more immediate concerns, in particular sight-reading and ear-training. Any input on your practice routines would be great to hear.
