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chord-study-on-blues Etude by Tony Miceli

Here's a chord etude based on a blues. I tried to use the 'comping sideways idea'. That is moving up and down the scale that would go with the chord.

As with all etudes (IMHO) make them sound good and change whatever you want. But in the end you should have a piece of music.

Next you should understand the concept behind the etude and you should be able to explore this further on your own and in this case with other tunes.

If you do this etude, please post your version!

More Lessons On the Way

Well I finished my little series on the melodic minor scale. I think I'm going to do one on the harmonic minor also. Although I need to study that one first a little more.

Behn is coming over Wednesday to shoot more lessons and I have some more planned as well.

I want to get into writing some more serious etudes, so I'm thinking about that as well. I'm just not sure whether to write the etude over the changes to a tune or make it up all new.

Just letting everyone know that more is on the way.

Melodic Minor Scale Pt. 8 - Putting it All Together by Tony Miceli

Chinese translation for Chinese students

把melodic 音階當作調式(modes)的方式來練習。
先演奏一個固定低音,從第一級的melodic 開始打,也就是C melodic scale.
試著即興,然後找出一些Pattern, 或是你喜愛的一些Lick(樂句)
接著換打第二級melodic ,也就是Bb melodic scale, 但是固定低音不變。
再來是三級melodic scale, 也就是 A melodic scale。
四級,G melodic scale
五級, F melodic scale
六級, Eb melodic scale
七級, Db melodic scale
有些音階聽起來就是等待被解決,像是Altered 音階。

Melodic Minor Scale Pt. 7 - Altered Scale by Tony Miceli

Chinese translation for Chinese students

C為起音的第七級Melodic scale, (C Altered scale)
如果把C這個音當作是一個Melodic scale 的第七個音,往下推(大七度),可以得到Db。
所以你可以把C Altered 音階想成Db melodic scale, 但是從C音開始打。
這個音階的音,會經過C7#5, C7b5, C7#9, C7b9和弦。
i- V - I 中的V可以非常非常常見到這個音階,