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Intro to Cells by Michael Pinto part 1

Hey guys a while ago I wrote this brief article on cells:…

now i'd like to start a series of lessons based on cells. This first part is just an introduction where I go quickly over a few options. In the lessons to come I will go more slowly and be more specific(I hope...)!

enjoy and ask questions please!

Melodic Minor Scale Pt. 2 - Dorian b2 by Tony Miceli

Chinese translation for Chinese students

C為起音的第二級Melodic scale,
聽起來很接近Dorian scale, 不一樣的是多了降二音。我們也可以把這個叫做Dorian b2 scale。
要練習這個比較陌生的Dorian b2 scale, 其實方法就跟你練其他比較常見的音階(Major...)一樣,試著把它打得好聽。
Dorian b2 scale跟Phrygian音階不一樣的是Dorian b2 scale沒有降6音。
或著C是Bb的二級,演奏Bb melodic minor scale, 但是起音還是保持在C。