Two Lines -V
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Here's a tough mental challenge.
Since the music for this is hard to find, I've included a lead sheet. Good luck!
A simple trick on separating the hands while comping to add variety.
Here are three simple left hand exercises to practice.
Here's the complete Shapes and Patterns of Music book for Subscribers. Thank you for your support of the site!
New video format! I was getting sick of the old one, haha!
This is a great lesson to check out. It's interesting to see how much David knows about the instrument.
Here are seven choruses of improvisation on the progression of Life's Blessing.
Again, as I mentioned in the other video playing the melody, the left hand is functioning as accompaniment as well as helping out the right hand to execute lines.
Try to fill out the 8th notes between both hands as opposed to trying to carry everything with the right hand. Also, try to keep the left hand moving. Try to keep changing the spreads of the mallets in each hand as much as possible. For example, in left hand, you can play a whole step and then invert that interval to play a 7th.