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Our Next Tune to Study - Ed Saindon's 'Life's Blessing'

Here's the next tune I thought we'd check out and study.

Ed Saindon's 'Life's Blessing'. I asked Ed if he would make a solo recording to get us started. Hopefully he will. Regardless let's all start checking this tune out and talking about it and practicing it like we did with Joe Locke's tune 'Sword of Whisper'.

Maybe Phillipe could make the play along!!!

So download the tune and start working on it. I'm sure Ed will give us a hand and talk about it. Maybe he'd even do an audio lesson for us?

Here we go!

Did You Ever Try This?

Sometimes, well many times, I listen to music that I want to influence me. I'll do this and then go play the vibes. This really helps me. Listen to Debussy for a while and then start playing your instrument and improvising. What's going to come out? Well, your reflections on what you've just heard.

We're are all influenced musically all the time so use that for your practicing.