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TOTM - Rhythm Changes - Oleo Exercises Pt. 5 - Going to Eb by Tony Miceli

這一集也是從rhythm changes 中拿一小段(第五和第六小節)出來練習。
Bbmajor7 - Bb7 - Ebmajor7 - Ebminor7 (bassline: Bb - Ab - G - Gb)
練好後,再放到rhythm change中,那兩個小節(第五和第六小節)你就能夠輕易掌握!


Beautiful Love Etude 3 (?)

This etude is simple, but if it's new to you it will open up doors in your playing.

Rotate sticks 1 and 3 and then 2 and 4 with the double stops.

You're harmonizing your solo with one note. It's interesting, I think it's fun to listen to as a listener. You can use this in your comping, soloing, solo playing.

I've spent many an hour playing in this format. It is definitely based on what pianists do with lines and chords. We don't have 10 fingers so this is what we have to work with. It's a cool sound with bass and drums also.

Voicings Print Out

I made this for a student and thought I'd share it. We did it on the fly.

Practice page one in all the keys. Also page two.

Use the closed and open positions and then go through all the open and closed voicings. Remember the rules are the same as you move to the SAME notes to other voicings. If a note moved in one voicing it WILL move to the same place in all the other voicings.

Page three just analyze.

Remember: you don't need the roots. It's not Emin7 It's Cmaj. UNLESS you see an F# then it will sound more like Emin 9 than Cmaj7.