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Ideas for the Summer

I had this idea today. Just trying to figure out how to implement it as well see if there's interest.

I want to start a tune club for the summer. I would like it to be very disciplined. The idea is we learn 2-3 tunes a week.

I got it... we could do it like this. Week Challenges. I'll post the tunes say on a Wednesday. We all study the tunes all week and then post by the the following 7th day your version. I (or maybe Phillipe!) will make play along tracks. Just rough for you guys to learn the tunes. Everyone has to submit the tune by the 7th day.

Let's Comp - Comping in the 17th century by Ted Wolff

This piece is the 1st movement from Bach's violin sonata # 1. There's lots of opportunity for mallet dampening. The goal is to get it to sound full and resonant, but very clean. As you move from chord to chord use good dampening and/or pedaling to make sure no notes from the previous chord ring into the current chord; making it sound sloppy.

The tempo is really slow, with an 8th note set to about 50 on the metronome. A pdf of the manuscript is included HERE

2014 Miceli Delaware University Assignment

Hey Delaware!

Great workshop! You will attach your assignments here.

Click REPLY, say something. Then you'll see a tab that says 'File Attachments'. Post an mp3.

Here was the assignment:

Hey guys as promised I'm emailing the assignment from today with Tony. It's also on the blackboard in the percussion room if for some reason you just can't read it on whatever device you're using.

1) Play the MELODY of any song (jazz preferably) WELL. (MANDATORY)

You have an option between Two and Three:
2) Play all the modes in THREE different keys.

Chord Melody 2018-2019 - Falling Grace

I will get video of Audio and play through and talk about some of these.

PDF is attached.

As a fun incentive, you guys have one week (from the date of this post) to post your versions of this chord melody. I will pick a winner, probably with an online random generator.

The winner wins one pair of my new sticks. They will be out within the next week or so.

YOU HAVE TO WRITE THE CHORDS IN. Study this a bit, make sure you know what the alterations or of what I've written here.

Look to see when I have a root or when I don't.
Post any questions.

Scale concept and Pivot idea....

Aloha Vibesworkshop,

This is my first attempt for a video lesson, via my GoPro Hero aka the entry level gopro.

I have been coming to the vw since 2007 and remember one of the first lessons that tony put up with the vibes in front of the washer and dryer .. Bravo to tony and everyone who continually makes this site a great place to connect..

For the past couple years I have been blessed to get back my career as a vibist. ( had to give up playing due to health and hand problems ).... its a blessing to be back and playing with no pain.