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"You must believe in spring" Michel Legrand -V

Just recorded this at home as preparation for our latest duo album. Martina Barta is a dream singer to play with. She listens, waits, takes the lead and sings in tune. Her voice has myriad colors that all fit well with the vibraphone. Accompanying a vocalist is not so easy. What I've learned is not to over play and to leave space.

Advanced guide tones comping exercises for the solo vibraphonist (G. Perin) -V

If you are done with the exercises listed in the previous video dedicated to guide tones and solo solo playing then check those new challenging exercises.

Make sure to check the previous video called: The Art of Solo Playing cause it's an introduction to this wonderful topic.

Guide tones comping exercises for the solo vibraphonist (G. Perin) -V

In this video I'll show you some of the exercises I use to do when I first started with vibraphone solo playing.
Make sure to check the previous video called: The Art of Solo Playing cause it's an introduction to this wonderful topic.

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Bach - Sarabande in B minor (BWV 1002)


Comparto esta adaptación de la Sarabande en Si menor de la Partita para Violín de J.S. Bach (BWV 1002)
En la misma trato de sacar provecho de las distintas técnicas de Dampening para poder respetar la duración planteada en cada una de las voces. El pedaleo mayoritariamente corresponde a un criterio armónico.

Espero que les guste.

Saludos, Tomás Angeloni, desde Argentina