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An Interesting 4 Mallet Exercise

This is a transcription of Bach's 2 part invention no. 13. The range has been adjusted to 3 octaves so it can be played on vibes and marimba. Both parts are 90% arpeggios, so using 4 mallets will make it easier to execute the lines. You can download the manuscript [HERE]

Note to Tony: How about allowing uploads of pdf files on video posts so I don't have to keep putting in these external links to the manuscript?

French Song (comp. Franz Bauer)

Hi everybody...I thought it's time to post a video here, since i'm always watching inspiring videos of the great colleagues here!...

It's a composition of mine called 'French Song'.
Although there is nothing like a french character to it anymore, since the piece developed into something else, i kept the original title...

It's written in 5/4...hope you like it ;-)

Hal Garper Master Class

Todd posted this on Facebook and I thought it was pretty interesting. I think that the basic premise of you play what you hear is so true that it's close to a "duh!", but putting it into practice can be difficult.

When I play, I often feel like I'm three different people simultaneously competing for dominance. There's a panicked animal that's just trying to keep his place and not screw up. There's this analytical guy saying, "OK, V7 coming up, diminished or altered scale?". And then there's this touchy-feely guy who's trying to guide the whole thing and make art.