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Hi Tony!

I recorded Summertime this morning and just wanted to post it to give a proof of life since I have been on holidays for two weeks now. For the comping I used my latest guitar acquisition I bought some three weeks ago. Will take some time until I manage to use the extra strings properly :-)).

Critics are welcome, am happy that the Philly workshop was such a great success, cheers Stefan

Invitation by Tom Phelan and Mike Caruso

Hi All,

Here's a duo recording of "Invitation" I made with my friend Mike Caruso on guitar. Please forgive my brain freeze in the ending, and the rattling of the connector rod on my vibes (fixed now via a vanderPlas damper pad). Otherwise, I think it came out pretty good :-). Constructive criticism appreciated...…

Tom P.

Ed Saindon - Swing on the Sunnyside tracks

Hi Everyone,

I mentioned in a previous post that there was a period when I was exploring and studying music from Dixieland and the Swing Era along with some of the swing and stride pianists. Well, as a follow up to that, we uploaded three tracks from my recording Swing on the Sunnyside which was recorded in 1995 and features songs from those great periods of jazz.

About the tracks:

A Serious Look at Recording the Vibes

I've been talking with Randy Sutin about recording the vibes. Randy has hooked up with a great recording engineer here in the philly area. He's going to do an in depth look at different ways of recording the vibes. It looks like we're going to video it and he's going to really prepare something great.

Yah Randy!!! This will really be valuable and cool for subscribers to check out. Maybe Randy will comment here and tell us a little about Dahoud.