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The choices we make

This video shows part of what keeps me from practicing my beloved melodic minor scales and tunes for the jazz-ensemble class as well as the tunes for the jams with my buddies outside of that and let alone logging onto this site for months. The mission of the job is to give 59x 45min interactive concerts for school kids presenting "percussion". Criteria for accepting this:
- I feel more valuable, if I work and I want to work.


I'm reading Marc Levin's book on theory and then also his one on voicings. He's a pretty hip cat! Here's a quote from his book:

Scales are the alphabet, not poetry, of music. You need to know the alphabet, grammar, vocabulary, spelling, and so on before you can write words, sentences, and ultimately poetry.

The Art of the Line

Ok, so we studied chords and harmony. I sure hope some of you guys got some stuff out of all that. There was a ton to learn and study!

So I figured before we had back to tunes we should officially study the other side of all this and that's the line... the solo, the melody.

I still believe that for all of us, the line should be first thing. The most important thing.