1 June 2014
Hi All-
What are the best cases/bags being made for Musser vibraphones these days? I have the original cases they made for the M48, but I think my M48 is too old and rickety to tour with. My m46 is younger, but I currently have no cases for it. What should I get? I'm rather thinking I need to get one for the frame and crossbar... I think resonators would do fine if I just bound them together... Is anyone having success with a solution that's not as literal as just buying some 'official' Musser-specific product?
beiner bags is the official
tonymiceli Mon, 06/02/2014 - 19:31
beiner bags is the official VW case guy. there are some others that might pop up here. but he's my pick.
Beiner bags
Babu Tue, 06/03/2014 - 05:45
In reply to beiner bags is the official by tonymiceli
But they don't sell outside the USA.