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4 years 7 months ago - 0 comments
Content type: Images
Final Concert at the South Pole - WHAT IS MUSIC? Music is different for different people. I’ve learned that it is not the privilege of the audience to experience an artist’s music but rather it is truly a privilege for the artist who gets…
4 years 7 months ago - 0 comments
Content type: Video Embed
Hi all, I wanted to create some exclusive content for VW. So this video is unlisted on Youtube, but I am posting it here... Hope you enjoy!! Steve
4 years 8 months ago - 0 comments
Content type: Event
Hey Everybody, February's show is coming up fast. Here's the line-up: Christos, Stefon, Gary, Chuck (two tracks), Tim, Behn, Bobby, Hendrik, David, Arthur, Steve N., Steve S., Tony, Kym, Jay and Steve H. A collection of the exceptional…
4 years 8 months ago - 0 comments
Brazilian boogaloo
Kym Ambrose
Content type: Blog entry
Hi all, Here is an original song from the album with thanks to Gary Burton for the inspiration and for blazing the trail for us. Cheers Kym
4 years 8 months ago - 2 comments
Content type: Audio Player
4 years 8 months ago - 0 comments
Content type: Video Embed
Here is a couple of ways you can fill the space in between bars. Those ideas could be use as harmonic or melodic device. 1. You can approach any chord with a dominant 7th chord built a half step up or down your target chord: e.g. C can be…
4 years 8 months ago - 0 comments
Content type: Video Embed
Some thoughts about ballad playing. Let me know what is your pov on this topic.
6 months ago - 0 comments
Content type: Video Embed
Here is a couple of ways you can fill the space in between bars. Those ideas could be use as harmonic or melodic device. 1. You can approach any chord with a dominant 7th chord built a half step up or down your target chord: e.g. C can be…
6 months ago - 0 comments
Content type: Blog entry
Emil was one of the best percussionists ever. If you watched Bugs Bunny cartoons you heard Emil. Most movies from 70's to the a year or so ago that used LA musicians used Emil. And he was a very good vibe player!!! Anyone want to add…
4 years 8 months ago - 5 comments
Content type: Video Upload
Translation for Chinese students 中文翻譯: 關於練習Ballads, 我們在之前的影片中提過保持速度感(Time), 如果在家自己練習時,我們可以保持很穩定的速度感和完整度, 在跟樂團一起演奏的時候,就可以更專注在和其他樂手的互動上了。 Tony覺得有很多事情可以思考, 1. 在演奏前奏的時候,調性就可以被確立-(示範:0:54-) 保持空間感,我們的耳朵可以聽到更多的東西。 有時候甚至只演奏一個音,和弦的進行其實就已經很明確了。…
4 years 6 months ago - 5 comments
Content type: Story
Uh oh!!!!!! Morgan Wallbridge is an amazing up and coming vibe player. She transcribed our performances of Joy Spring. I would like to see some of you play the transcriptions. Who's up for it. Each of these performances has the…
4 years 8 months ago - 3 comments
Content type: Video Embed
“Moon River” by Henry Mancini. Had a little time before a meeting today. An excerpt of some practicing in one of the Berklee percussion department practice rooms.
4 years 8 months ago - 2 comments
Content type: Audio Player
4 years 8 months ago - 0 comments
Content type: Audio Player
Amos, Try and memorize the chords on the sheet music. Think about the fact that where those notes are and however they are mixed up, as long as the bass player plays the bass note, it is that chord. Do you get it?
4 years 8 months ago - 0 comments
Content type: Audio Player
4 years 8 months ago - 0 comments
Content type: Video Embed
She's totally bad ass! I love her left hand and the independence. I think this might be where the next 4 mallet giant comes from. maybe the vibes are neither a piano or guitar but instead a Gyil!!!
4 years 7 months ago - 5 comments
Content type: Blog entry
I do think vibesworkshop has turned into a gold mine of information. I can say that, because I don't get all the credit. If I would have made this a site where just I was the teacher, it would have never grown into what it is. Off the…
4 years 8 months ago - 2 comments
Content type: Audio Player
4 years 8 months ago - 0 comments
Content type: Video Embed
Back at Berklee today for registration. Happy to get back to the college after a nice break during my sabbatical. Got in early since traffic into town was a breeze and had a little time to shed on a Marimba One. This is an “on the fly” run…
4 years 8 months ago - 0 comments
How My Heart Sings -V
David Friedman
Content type: Audio Player
This wonderful, quirky tune by Earl Zindars has been a favorite of mine for over 50 years. I used to jam on this tune in the 70's and perform it with bassist Harvie S. Although I'd been playing it off and on I never was satisfied with my…
6 months 3 weeks ago - 0 comments
Content type: Video Embed
Is it her face or your face? Politically correct I guess is her. Did I post this already?
4 years 8 months ago - 11 comments
Content type: Images
How did I miss this CD. I like it. I LOVE Matchbook. I never heard this one! I love good guitar and vibe duos. Anyone know of any more?
4 years 8 months ago - 2 comments
Content type: Video Embed
I've just found this video Interesting IMHO - Enjoy !
4 years 8 months ago - 3 comments
Content type: Video Embed
Adapting 3+3+2 to the Balafon Sometimes we need to step away from our primary instrument to rebuild our awareness from the ground up. I incorporate my Harmonic Time method for all the material I have learned and teach. Here is a general…
4 years 8 months ago - 1 comments
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