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Check this out for the 2014 world vibes congress!

David Friedman
Dave Samuels
Joe Locke
Warren Wolf
Christos Rafilides
Tony miceli
Behn Gillece
Steve Shapiro
Some more and............


this is going to be the most incredible vibe event in years!!!

This is all because these great players want to try and organize an organization of vibe players.
I think we need this and this can really help us and especially help the instrument!!!!!!

The purpose of this weekend is to hang out and meet other vibe players and talk about forming an organization of vibe players.


Marvel Mon, 12/09/2013 - 02:26

Hey, just wondering if we will receive a confirmation after we have applied? Just wanting to make sure I have a spot reserved. This is gonna be great!


tonymiceli Mon, 12/09/2013 - 20:31

In reply to by Marvel

so far everyone who has registered is cool. but we're getting close to the end now.

and remember it's more of a hang than a workshop. that's a side effect of it being free. we'll hang, talk and play and try to organize an organization of vibe players.

c.stallard22 Wed, 12/11/2013 - 13:07

Any females going to the vibes congress who might want to split a room? I saw on the reservation page that there are rooms with two queen beds, so just trying to be economical. You can email me at Thanks.

Marvel Sun, 12/15/2013 - 03:42

Splitting a room -- that's a great idea. If anyone else is interested, I'd certainly like to split a room to save some money. I'll be there for Friday as well as Saturday night. Let me know if you're game. I promise I don't bite.


johndaly Sun, 12/15/2013 - 19:57

Would love to be at that its going to be great...history in the making. Take lots of pics and vids



What instruments does this pertain to?