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I Love You by Cole Porter

Cole Porter’s “I Love You” - using a variety of improv techniques from my improv series The Complete Guide To Improvisation (available from Amazon, and the Berklee College of Music bookstore in Boston). I used this song in Volume Two in the Four Note Grouping chapter. I listed the groupings used for each chord and wrote out a solo based upon the concept. For copyright reasons I named the song “I Loathe You”.

RIP Yeti...

I wasn't really sure whether or not to post this. It's a very different kind of accountability today, I guess.

I recorded it for my girlfriend who just lost HER best friend - a very dear pet of hers who passed yesterday from liver cancer. Posted it on her FB wall with the lyrics...

Movement Quality TIPS for longevity and good health! For

Hey Everyone...I hope everyone's doing great.

During the week long workshop in Phila a couple of weeks ago, one of the teachers was dealing with some arm/elbow soreness. Clearly there was something going on that was most likely related to the shoulder, elbow, or arm/hand, that if nothing else, reflected a LOT of years of playing the instrument and the related wear and tear on the tissues, all of which is probably to be expected given how many years this player has been playing hard, and great!