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GMV-Chapter 1 (part 2) "A run run" by Israel Arranz

GMV-Chapter 1 (part 2) "A run run"
"A run run" is a traditional galician christmas song, which is very known in Galicia. I´ve written and arrangement-study for solo vibes so in this part (part 2) you can practice pedaling, dampening, reharmonization and modulation. The video and the PDF contain the same material (you can watch and listen it in the video and read it in the PDF).

Lesson- adding V-1's

Lesson about adding some V-1 cadences to tunes to create more harmonic movement. Uses "On Green dolphin St" as an example. Simple idea, but some of the best players I know have mastery of a bunch of little harmonic tricks like this that culminate in their musical voice.


TOTM - Green Dolphin Melody

This is being translated for Chinese students.

歡迎來到,這是“每月一曲”時間,這個月我們要學 Green Dolphin Street和You Don't Know What Love Is。此時,我們已經練習這兩首曲子很久了,甚至已經超過一個月,我要問的是,你知道這兩首曲子的弦律嗎?最近我告訴我很多學生,如果你可以走到樂器前面然後就(演奏出 Green Dolphin Street美妙旋律)如果你沒辦法演奏這個曲子的旋律,你就是不懂這首曲子。對我來說這是第一步:你能夠演奏出旋律嗎?所以考慮到這點,當你每次在練習“每月一曲”時,你要確定,你能夠演奏出曲子的旋律。然後,我說過這件事五百次,你在演奏旋律的同時,要把旋律處理得非常乾淨並且在拍子上,這樣也能順便增進你的技巧。不要覺得你學習這個旋律沒有用,你要想的是,你有沒有把這個東西(弦律)處理好?如果你把旋律處理好,等於你學到了很大部分的東西。

TOTM - Green Dolphin - Shortude - B Section - 4

Ok this is the B section to Green Dolphin Street. Can you hear it? If not play the tune on the vibes get it into your head then try again.

Fill in the chords. Study the harmony and the solo. can you see the flat 9s? all the altered notes?

Play in C and Eb (and other keys).

Record the chords and then play the line on top of the recording.

Do this in all keys. Can you see how this could really help you? Recording the chords and then playing the solo in every key! Yikes!