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The Vibesworkshop on Roku application is now available for installation on Roku Players. See the video for info on what's available and how it works.

To install the app on your Roku Player, go to (on your computer) and enter the code ZZTGX. The app will be installed on your player in the next 24 hours. To speed things up, enter and exit the Roku Channel Store and the app will be installed immediately. Once the app is installed go to the "Link to your account" section and follow the instructions. This will give you access to the videos that are restricted to members or subscribers (assuming you're a subscriber).

Subscribers can create their own channels on the app. See… for instructions.

If you have any problems or comments, post here or send me e-mail at tom at phelan-4 dot com. Enjoy!

Tom P.


tpvibes Fri, 07/02/2010 - 09:37

Well, Tony's birthday surge has put us with over 700 videos available on the site and the Roku app. As of this morning, there are 704 videos available via the Roku app. Marie and Tarik's video looks amazing in 720p :-).

Tom P.

tonymiceli Fri, 07/02/2010 - 09:49

In reply to by tpvibes

we're planning on getting a tv. AFTER 15+ YEARS without one! if i do, i'm getting a roku box.

also i'm trying to figure out how to mention this on the front page.

hmmmm, or what about on the resources page. we're attempting to make that the 'other' front page.

Tony Miceli (new)
s k y p e: tjazzvibe

tpvibes Fri, 07/02/2010 - 10:08

In reply to by tonymiceli

Hi Tony,

Well, I was thinking to put it in that area used for news/announcements -- between what is now your birthday banner and "Our Mission", where right now there's "Thanks to Mike Balter, Steve Weiss and the US Embassy".

On the resources page would be nice too :-).

Tom P.

tonymiceli Fri, 07/02/2010 - 10:59

In reply to by tpvibes

so let's do this. as soon as the workshops are over. we'll put it on the front for a while, and also on the resources page. cool???

now i want a tv to see this!

Tony Miceli (new)
s k y p e: tjazzvibe

tpvibes Fri, 07/02/2010 - 12:09

In reply to by tonymiceli

Oh, I see our disconnect -- temporary is OK, but later is not so good. The guys from Roku are evaluating the channel for public publishing right now, and I thought it'd make them more positive about it if they could go the home page and see support for the Roku app.

In the long term, it'd definitely be good to have it mentioned on the resources page. With any luck I'll find time to work on the Android version in the next few weeks and then we'll need something in a an easy-to-find-place that says "Here are other ways to view!".

Tom P.

tpvibes Thu, 07/22/2010 - 20:33

I noticed that none of the people who installed the vibesworkshop app on their Rokus linked to their vibesworkshop account and was wondering why. Turns out, I had a bug in my authorization code and everyone was getting access to all of the videos, so there was no need to link.

I've fixed that and uploaded a new version of the app. Your players will be updated in the next 24 hours (or the next time you enter and exit the channel store), and if you don't link to your account you'll only be able to see the "anonymous" videos. Currently, that's only 106 of the 741 available videos.

Tom P.

tpvibes Sun, 08/08/2010 - 21:31

The Vibesworkshop on Roku app is now available as a Roku "public" channel -- meaning that it appears in the Roku Channel Store on every Roku and can be installed from there without knowing the "secret handshake" method detailed above. The secret handshake method still works too, but basically it isn't needed any more.

Tom P.

tpvibes Sun, 08/08/2010 - 21:55

In reply to by tonymiceli

I really don't know who is using the app, but as of a few seconds ago it has been installed on 247 Rokus, with a new one being installed every few minutes. I'm sure that close to none of the users installing from the Channel Store have heard of Vibesworkshop before seeing the app.

The most watched video at this moment is Ed Saindon's "How Insensitive" -- watched some 64 times in the last few days. There has been a total 218 videos watched.

Tom P.

tpvibes Tue, 08/31/2010 - 13:47

In reply to by jthom196147

Hi jthom,

I've sent an e-mail to the address you give above. Sorry for the problems. We should be able to get to the bottom of this quickly, I hope.

Tom P.


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