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Thanks Stefan!


Gary Burton Mon, 12/23/2013 - 14:24

Thanks guys, for the nice thoughts. That concert was kind of a tough one. Started that morning with an ultra early flight from Vienna to Paris, then a four hour drive to the concert, no chance to rest. The festival site was chaotic and disorganized, we had trouble getting something to eat, hunger setting in. The nearest hotel was 45 minutes away. But, we played as required, and I guess it went all right. The great thing about musicians like these: no matter what the circumstances, the borrowed instruments, the crappy sound, whatever, they still sound like a million dollars. That makes it a lot easier to handle the bumps in the road. The next day we drove four hours back to Paris and flew to Munich for the next gig. Life on the road. - GB (See you at the Vibes Congress!)

Thanks Stefan!


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Gary Burton Mon, 12/23/2013 - 14:24

Thanks guys, for the nice thoughts. That concert was kind of a tough one. Started that morning with an ultra early flight from Vienna to Paris, then a four hour drive to the concert, no chance to rest. The festival site was chaotic and disorganized, we had trouble getting something to eat, hunger setting in. The nearest hotel was 45 minutes away. But, we played as required, and I guess it went all right. The great thing about musicians like these: no matter what the circumstances, the borrowed instruments, the crappy sound, whatever, they still sound like a million dollars. That makes it a lot easier to handle the bumps in the road. The next day we drove four hours back to Paris and flew to Munich for the next gig. Life on the road. - GB (See you at the Vibes Congress!)


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