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Watch Joe Pass. I say guitar players have basically the same problems as vibe players. We can play most of what guitar players play. Not exactly but they're a great source of learning for playing our instrument!


Michael DuBick Wed, 02/12/2014 - 23:44

Tony's comment is apt and Joe Pass certainly demonstrates in this video the phrasing and harmonic accompaniment which we all would be wise to study. It's worth noting that Joe Pass recorded a fair amount with Milt Jackson(see "Quadrant" and "All Too Soon", both albums produced by Pablo Records) and one can hear how their playing complements one another. Milt also played guitar as a young man and probably carried a lot of that with him as he mastered the vibes.

As a two mallet player, I've often found inspiration not only from accomplished guitarists like Joe Pass, but also the clean sound of sax players like Paul Desmond, whose phrasing was impeccable, and Dexter Gordon, who could break your heart with his ballads. Desmond always wanted his alto to sound like a dry martini; I've been trying for more than forty years to achieve the same with the vibraphone. Don't know if I ever hit that mark, but I keep striving. Lately, though, the phrasing and tonal qualities of guitar masters like Pass and the recently departed Jim Hall have proved to be equally intoxicating to this old vibe man.


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