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Practice with a focus on scalar runs over Jobim's "Triste"

Had a little time between students while teaching online today so I picked a song and focused on a specific task. The task was incorporating scalar lines/runs with a variety of stickings including alternate strokes as well as combination sticking. Also, starting and ending the runs in different places of the measure. The tune is Jobim’s “Triste”. Again, it’s practice and a work in progress.

Way Back in 1963, Musser. Prices and a letter

There is a vibraphone thread here...

Last summer I acquired a 4.3 Octave Musser Marimba from my aunt she bought in 1963. She saved all the papers and one of them was a catalog that had the price for both the marimba and a Musser Century which were $925, $1150 respectively (pic of catalog page attached). Since the M-55 is not in the catalog, I assume it was made sometime after that.