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Practice Material - Shapes and Patterns of Music

This is a project I've been working on for a long time. I'm offering it up as new practice material while isolated due to Coronavirus Lockdown. It's about 1/3 complete but it's a LOT of practice work.

I came up with the idea about 35 years ago, then put it out in a very rough form with intentions of someday making it more user friendly. In the past few years, I add to it it when I feel like messing with it. It's great practice material and is very challenging. I thought I'd add it to the mix here at VW for folks looking for something different to work on while held up at home.

Who's In???? What are your thoughts???? (This is during the Corona Virus)

Let's play and post on here. Do mini concerts, do whatever. Let's be active and work on stuff and post our growth here! Make videos and post them.

I'm also thinking about doing some group Skype or Zoom calls. Anyone interested in hanging and talking about vibes? Asking questions, playing, whatever.

How We Cope (Corona)

How are you guys getting through all this?

I hope you got some money for food and living. The idea of fellow vibe players struggling for simple things kills me.

I am definitely going nuts. Fear, unknown, WTF! All that.

I do know this, we need to be active and have goals. That's how I'm handling it. I'm playing and recording myself constantly. I think I'll try and put up a tune a day. I did two today, one had a little glitch in it. Not sure how big of a deal it is.

I'll post the other one.

"Tea For Two"

“Tea For Two” - an impromptu run through tonight of this classic that I haven’t played for years. Helps maybe a little bit playing music for a brief respite of thinking what’s going on in the world right now. Thoughts and hope for everyone out there. It is affecting us all. :(

DIY Vibraphon Bars

This is a first quick & dirty recording with our first self made bar set. This was part of a thesis work of a mechanical engineering student (no musician).

The frame and bars are part of several thesis works to set up a demo project showing the whole computer aided engineering process and can be used licens free.

I am very glad about the sound we received.
This is a dry recoding without effects!

I will come out with more details about what we did step by step.

I hope, you like it too.