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Vocal Phrasing

I just wanted to make a small suggestion related to the "Vocal Phrasing" video lessons. There are more to come and although I could have provided a pdf of what I played, I think it's important to transcribe what you think would be worth learning and analyzing. Your decision. It certainly might be of interest to transcribe the blues line that I played, notating the phrasing in your own way.

MJQ plays Ornette

This clip is from Ralph Gleason's PBS show Jazz Casual from 1962. I always thought of this piece as the "odd man out" in the repertoire of the Modern Jazz Quartet only because you don't think of them as playing Ornette Coleman's music. But they recorded this and here it is live over the end credits of the program.

Stick 1 Comping for Dan

For me there was a whole study around comping on the vibes. Comping is just Accompaniment. No rules.

So how do you play alternate sticking and comp. Well I use mallet number 1. I tie it in with Mallet number to

I count the sticks left to right.

1 2 3 4

Here's an etude of quarter notes where you should see my concept here.

It's quick and dirty. so sorry about sharps where it would be flats etc. but you'll get the point.