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Here's What We Need!!!!! Roger? Tristan? Carolyn? Anthony? Patrice?

We need another day of mini concerts from our members. Remember what a mini concert is? you play 2 or 3 tunes in a row without stopping as if you're on stage. Audio or video.

Then we pick a day and upload the night before. Then everyone else comes on the site and watches the videos.

In fact if everyone sent me the video, I could make the whole concert in one video. That would be nice, it would feel like an evening of vibes!

You guys interested? Any takers? I'm in for two tunes.

Rootless Voicings pt. 1 - Rootless Funk Etude

An experienced vibe player plays a lot less roots than an inexperienced one. We know that roots for us do not move the harmony, the upper partials do. I've talked extensively about this on vibes workshop.

Also with a bass player there's no need to play the bass notes right? So work on your rootless voicings.

One thing I've talked about is the following. Play these chords:

E triad / F

That's what the chords look like without the roots. That's a ii V I in the key of C. Play it you'll see.

more Gary Burton b-day wishes

I first heard his quartet in a club in Sausolito, CA back in the late 1960s. I remember Roy Haynes had a tympani drum included in his kit which he played with great enthusiasm.

I loved the music, but as a young teen with very limited ears, I struggled to comprehend what is was all about. However, I knew I wanted to play that music. Gary was my inspiration.

I had 2 of Gary's records in my possession at about that time, Duster, and Country Roads and Other Places. I especially liked General Mojo, Sweet Rain, the Ravel Prelude, and My Foolish Heart.

Bettering a M55

Hi everybody,
I just founded this vidéo showing how to make a M55 work better, adressing the problems of the pedal, which is the weakest point of this instrument.
I thought it would be useful for many of us who own a M55.
Would love to read any comment from the specialists (Indianaglen...) about this video to know if the work done by this guy is worth to do on our own axes...