Rootless Voicings - Part 9 - Dom b13b9
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Chinese Translation for Chinese students
C13b9 的和聲配置(voicing) 你可以把7音放最底下(Bb),再來3音(E),然後是b9(Db)和13(A)音。
來談談這個13音(A),在聽覺上你可能下一個和弦要接到Fmajor7 的錯覺。因為natrual A是FMajor的三音。
快速找到Dominant 13b9 和聲配置的方法:
例如: C13b9 ———— 從C往下想大二度(Major2),得到Bb音,再往下想小二度(Minor2),得到A音。
G13b9 ———— F當作根音,做一個E大三和弦。
D13b9 ———— C當作根音,做一個B大三和弦。
Many of you know this already. I've done a bunch of lessons on it.
One of my favorite compositions by Keith Jarrett. I've been listening to some brilliant versions from Keith playing this song. Some from the 70's as well as some newer renditions. They are all inspiring but the one from the live version recorded in Lille, France in '81 is very special. Day off from Berklee due to the snowstorm so I had some more time in the shed.
Chinese translation for Chinese students
在這個影片中,Tony只想說一點,那就是有經驗的鐵琴演奏者總是使用無根音的和聲配置(Rootless voicing)。
Tony開始告訴學生在演奏和弦ii-v-I時,V級Dominant和弦需要用到diminished scale,學生們便開始轉便成為真正有爵士語彙的演奏者。
(Chinese Translation for Chinese students)
I love when some takes one of our instruments and plays them in a way that's simple and beautiful. This woman is amazing!
And the keyboard setup is cool. Anyone know how it's set up?
I like how little she rolls. Amazing players I think use the rests in a way that others don't. Many players on the Xylo and Marimba seem to roll too much for me. IMHO
You're Nobody 'Til Somebody Loves You - Vibe Solo by David Kovins
The thing I think about premiere is that there are not a lot of them in the states. so it might be tricky to fix them.
i play premiere's in ireland. they're ok, decent vibes. they're a little noisier than even the musser. they are smaller than mussier, yamaha, or malletech.
what's the price? they're premiere right?
i can get you a used omega for about 3800 (i have to check so don't quote me). it's in great shape. not sure what you're price range is.
are they graduated bars?? if they're not graduated bars, then i say definitely no to them.