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Rootless Voicings - Part 2 - 13th Chords

We work on 13th chords in this video. They are diatonic chords. All the notes are in the major scale.

(Chinese Translation for Chinese students)

我們今天來講“無根音的和聲配置”(Rootless voicing)

例如屬九和弦、屬十三和弦,mixolydian 音階都可以應用在這兩個和弦上。


P.S 同時這也是Bminor7b5的和聲配置,(Tony示範了Bminor7b5-E7b9-Aminor)

A little added thought to Behn's Video on harmonizing the dim scale

Here's Behn's video:

I talk here about starting the chords from a different note. Kind of cool what you get.


Título: Un pequeño pensamiento añadido al vídeo de Behn. Armonizando la escala disminuida.

En este vídeo hablo acerca de empezar los acordes desde una nota diferente. Es muy chevere lo que obtienes.

Rootless Voicings - An Overview

Here are some thoughts and ways to begin with rootless voicings.
Chinese translation for Chinese students.

學會如何演奏出Rootless voicing,
Step1:先找出和弦的 1,3,5,7音
Step3:去掉5音,加進11, 13音。
例如G13,會用9和13音。在一定保留3,7音的情況下,這個Voicing的組成音就是 F,A,B,E.
再例如Cmajor7, 去掉根音加上9音。大部份會再去掉5音,加上升11音(#11等於#4)。會得到Lydian的聲音

Chien Chien's Lesson - Feb 1 2017

This lesson is for my student Chien Chien, but you guys can practice it as well!

I just wanted to give her a chorus of chords over the jazz tune Tricotism and then a chorus of a simple solo, outlining the chords. Making a solo in a simple way.

I hear so many students playing all this 'stuff' over a tune and then I ask them to play something very simple and they can't. Chien Chien can. She's an amazing musician with ears we all wish we had. Most of our lesson I just play the chords, I don't have to tell her what chords they are.

Good Vibes Radio Update February 5th & 8th, 2017


Hi All,
Warren Wolf opens the February show with his reverent cover of Bobby Hutcherson's "Montara."
Warren could start a whole new religion with this recording.
Jerry Weir follows with a Cedar Walton tune, then Dana Sudborough and "What About Me?"
Behn appears with the title tune from his recent CD "Dare To Be," then Thomas Mackay with a lovely standard. From Hendrik Meurkens' Mundell's Moods comes Mundell Lowe on guitar. That's just the first half hour!

My Solo Vibes Cd

I gave myself the ultimate challenge this winter break. I said even if for no reason I was going to make a solo cd in my basement. I did and it was difficult, challenging and fun. And difficult and challenging!

I worked really hard, doing a few versions of each tune. It really helped me a lot. Only 1 edit on the whole cd when I screwed up the out head. Awful to come that far and then screw something up!!! :-)