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Giovanni Perin solo: "Everything I Love" Transcribed!!

Hi guys This month i'm going to give you my solo version of the unknown standard called "Everything I love".

For the first one who post his own solo version, playing the head as I wrote it down, he will have a FREE skype lesson with me!!
if you have any question please contact me via email:

Please Follow me in Youtube and FB and visit my website!!

Have fun


Orchestrating Melodies using a Root – Chord Pattern in the Left Hand

This semester I have been working with my teacher on playing ballads in the solo style and wanted to share a system/ exercise that I've been using to begin developing orchestration ideas when playing the melody. The following exercise is based on a concept I modified from John Mehegan’s “Jazz Improvisation 4: Contemporary Piano Styles” called “Root – Chord Patterns”.

Volume Two - The Complete Guide To Improvisation now available

Volume Two of the Complete Guide To Improvisation is now available via Amazon, and the Berklee College of Music bookstore.

Chapters: Upper Structure Triads, Four Note Groupings, Motivic Playing, Cyclic Patterns and Major 7th #5 Superimposition. Here's a link that includes the Table of Contents and brief description of each chapter.…

Berklee Mallet Lab working on Giant Steps with Four Note Groupings

Nice mallet lab this morning working with the students on Coltrane's Giant Steps using Four Note Groupings. We played through several pages from Volume 2 of The Complete Guide to Improvisation which is now available via It will also be available in the Berklee College of Music bookstore and on Amazon within a day or so.

Tune Learning lesson- Countdown pt1

Hi Vibeworkshoppers!
With the amount of info on the site at this point, I thought it might be helpful to do a series of lessons talking and demonstrating the process I take when learning a tune. Starting from the very beginning and focusing on the process. I'm learning Coltrane's Countdown, but the process applies to whatever tune you want to work on.

A Great Gig

I did a great gig at PASIC. But besides bragging little bit about it, here's the cool thing.

The audience loved what we did. I think there is a REAL interest in the vibraphone happening. Something that hasn't happened in a long time.

I credit Leigh Stevens for really making a competitive instrument. In my humble opinion it is truly the best.... by far. That has woken up manufacturers and us vibe players have woken up our audiences! (All of us).

We have a big community here at vibesworkshop and we are on a roll!