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Oblivion by Patrice "practice" Guillon


Another great practice video from Patrice, who still needs my help to post! ;-)

Here is his comment :

"A new version of Piazzola masterpiece. Giovanni's beautiful version reminded me the previous one i recorded two years ago. I decided to make a new try. I play bass and guitar part on keyboard as well on this one. .... "

Enjoy guys and thanks Patrice for sharing your work!

- Marie

Photo from recording session at the home music studio on 3/22/15

Fun recording session and hang at the house on 3/22/15 with Billy Novick, Mark Carlsen, Gustavo Agatiello and myself. Songs recorded at the session: I'm Old Fashioned, Jobim's A Felicidade, Thad Jones' A Child is Born, My Buddy, Mancini's The Days of Wine and Roses, Golson's Yours is My Heart Alone and two compositions by Mark titled And Marvin is Monk and Hymn for Mr. Haden.

TOTM - Here's that Rainy Day - Chord Study by Tristan

Here's some harmonic stuff I've been working on over Here's that Rainy Day. The idea was to work out interesting chord voicings for all the significant melody notes, then put it together as a chord melody piece. Eventually I'm going to put it through all the keys, adjusting voicings as necessary. I've found that letting the melody dictate the voicings can lead to some interesting places.

The attached pdf doesn't follow the recording exactly. I've just notated the basic voicings, but left out bits of the melody, counter lines, arpeggiations, etc. These are some of the ideas I'm using: