TOTM - Whisper Not - Line Study No. 1 by Behn Gillece
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Here's a chord study with different voicings and the alternate changes.
Hi Everyone,
I have an article in the current issue of Percussive Notes. It's a transcription/analysis of one of David Friedman's performances/lessons from the site (found here: David was also kind enough to do a short interview about some of the concepts involved. Thanks to Ed Saindon for facilitating this. I attach the article here. I'd appreciate any feedback you might have.
We are having a great week at the 2015 Spring Vibes Workshop.
Today Tom Vendergeld comes and does a workshop! It's such a great week! Matthias is doing a great job with the workshop!
I would love to have a photo or recording to post here as well, but I just wanted to tell a little story about my recent meeting with English vibraphonist, Nat Steele!
A lesson on some different ways to approach iii-vi-ii-v changes using second inversion triads chromatically. I should mention that some of this type of motion (going up specifically) creates triads over the bass note which may conflict with the basic iii-vi-ii-v chord types. Remember the strength of the passing motion is its motivic direction which leads to a resolution.
Hi All,
Here is the link to the piece I wrote about the Third World Vibes Congress last January. It's been published in Jersey Jazz and is now posted on All About Jazz. It features a photo of Behn.
Had a little time today before a class at Berklee. Practicing some improvisation with the concept of Tension Resolution on Autumn Leaves. With this concept I'm focusing on using one tension and chord tones for each chord change and making to sure to resolve the tension to the nearest chord tone. It is a simple but effective improv technique that sounds the changes with a melodic flow. I'm playing 8 measures out front to establish the context of the song.
Hi there,
I've translated "the 20 things you want to know without reading the manual" (malletKAT) into German.
Ich habe eine Malletkat Gebrauchsanweisung ins Deutsche Übersetzt. Ist vielleicht für alle hilfreich, die Marios Workshop in Wuppertal besuchen.
Ich übernehme keine Gewähr für die Richtigkeit aber eigentlich sollte alles stimmen.
Das englische Original findet ihr auf der Alternatemode Website.