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2012 - Meeting Mike Mainieri & Franck Tortiller in Paris

This is just a link to my article on my meeting with Mike Mainieri and Franck Tortiller in Paris in November 2012.
I only wanted to have it added to my album of wonderful meetings! The original article is on Mike's page on the site and you can put posts only in one v-book.
Man... that year 2012 was really special! :o)

Bluesette by Toots Thielemans - Berklee Summer Percussion Festival concert

Clip of Bluesette from Berklee Summer Percussion Festival concert that took place in June 2014. I just found this in the video library and it hadn't been previously posted up on YT. There are some other clips from the concert up on my YT channel.

It's always a treat for me to play with these fantastic guys and musicians. Billy Novick - clarinet, Mark Carlsen - upright bass and Steve Langone - drums.

Using The Blues To Find Voicings by Behn Gillece

Chinese translation for Chinese students

用到共同音(common tone)和最高音聲部(upper voice)去建造這個和聲配置(voicing)

打開PDF,在PDF 中,用到的是F調,我們取5音(C)當作是我們最高音聲部。


有一個地方例外,第六小節,B diminished,其實如果很想要照著規則走,也可以把第六小節改成Bb7,


注意第4, 8小節,這兩個小節其實是同樣的和聲配置,原因是因為半全減音階同時會經過四個和弦(in the diminished cycle)

*半全減音階Dominant diminished scale 這個音階同時會經過四個和弦,也就是F7, Ab7b9 B7b7, D7#11b9 (他們之間差小三度).



2015 - Meeting Christos in Paris!

There we go again! :o)

Christos Rafalides is in Paris these days for a fews gigs with a trio... and I had the chance to have him for my "traditional" lunch break vibes sharing... and the traditional picture in front of the Invalides Dome!

For the record, I first met Christos some 6 years ago in Paris too, for one of his gigs... and in fact he was the very first picture of my beautiful collection! What a pleasure to meet again and spend some nice moment chating!!

Am I not lucky? :o)