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A Nightengale Sang in Berkeley Square by Ted Wolff & Lisa Sanchez

I'm working on a new project with a couple of singers. My objectives are to:
1. Keep it simple - let the vocal have center stage.
2. Stay out of the singer's way.

You need to be continually aware of the singer's notes and try to either match or compliment them. I've got one or two more tunes to record and I should have enough to bundle it all up into a new CD!

Don't stay alone

Hi all,
As vibist we all have to solve the problem of not staying alone, mainly because our instrument is ignored by others musicians. We have to make things happen, we have no choice.
Here is what I did :
3 years ago I noticed a place available to cultural associations for a very low rental fee. Then I asked the association I work for to put an option for the following year. Last year I opened a "musical meeting / improvisation" class for good level-amateur-musicians with the same problem as mine : people in search of oportunities of playing music.

2013 - Delaware Workshop. What is this, a DOUBLE IMAGE!!!!

CHECK out who's coming to Delaware this summer! Our great an usual host Dave Friedman can't make it this time around. But look who I got to fill in!!!

Behn Gillece, Christos Rafalides and Friedmans other half Dave Samuels. And of course I'll be there! This will be a GREAT workshop! I'm so excited!