The Cookie .. by The Thomas Mackay Project .. ( ruff mix 1st edits)
This is the first edited track for my upcoming cd. ruff mix ... definately leave your comments for mix ect .. The cookie
This is the first edited track for my upcoming cd. ruff mix ... definately leave your comments for mix ect .. The cookie
those of you who took a look at my playing along with 'the weeping song' probably read that I was going to try a soloversion of another 'bad seeds' song : the shipsong.
I already started it, but now I was thinking that, for this community, it might also be interesting to show my workingproces. So here is my blog where you can follow and comment (please do) how I try to build this from scrap to song.
Here's our new TOTM, Satin Doll.
I had this amazing skype lessons with Carolyn and Badu. The great thing about it is that people from all over the world can comunicate and share their interests and questions. Ofcorse Tony is a great teacher since he sees everyone as a different personality. Having that in mind it not just a chat but a real expirience of practising and learning. He also put assigments to each one. I have to practise How deep in 12 keys. It really gives you a motive to learn and practise more and more stuff.
Hallo everyone, thank you for such great time last week. You filled me up with soul, spirit, music ,... .I met so many wonderful persons and they all play vibes!!!! It was a pleasure to be your host and I hope you had a good time. I want to share video of my trio-concert from frieday with you. Have fun, I had a lot!!! looking forward to meet you all again, Matthias.
In one of the classes that gave David Friedman, taught us an a very good exercise to improve the tempo. The exercise is record yourself, a simple melody, solo or comping and after trying to play up the recording!! It seems simple, but it's hard!
Very good exercise!!
Hi guys,
Some years ago I had in my hands during a couple of hours a study book from the great guitarist Ted Greene. I copied quickly the notes of one of the exercises, and I re-discovered it yesterday when having a look on my old paper books....
It is based on chords with tonic, third and 7th only(no 5th). It makes sound great the harmony, makes the brain work and teach nicely how to deal with voicings. Notice how the third of a chord becomes the 7th of the following one, etc...
Here you go Carolyn!