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How Deep is the Ocean 130205 by BarryK

Here is a take from tonight's practice session. I am using the changes from the Real Book, with descending bass line. The intro is an idea take from John Piper's under water echo technique that he did in Dolphin Dance. Left hand comp contains 4ths and tri-tones. In the second chorus I tried doing a Freddy Green 4 strokes to the bar comping with LH.


POINT 2 pre-release concert @ Grotto


Point 2 is a newly formed, innovative duo by vibraphonist Christos Rafalides and bassist Petros Klampanis.
This concert is a sneak peek of their upcoming album, scheduled to be released in spring of 2013.
Grotto is a great place located in Lower Side (NYC), that hosts excellent music and serves delicious food and wine.


Phone: 212 625 3444