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NEW Vibraphone Music Published by Mostly Marimba

I'm happy to announce that 'Mostly Marimba' just published two of my pieces:
'Whisper Magic' for solo vibraphone and 'Hortensia', a duo for vibes and bass.
Whisper Magic can be found on my latest recording 'Blue November'.
Hortensia will be released this Spring.

here is the link…

thank you

Marie's Newsletter - February 2013

Another great month went through: working hard and fun on our TOTM 'How Deep Is The Ocean', testing our first online lesson, setting the last details for our upcoming Winter European Working near Dusseldorf. Also read about our first Kickstarter project and be a part of it!


Some of us will join Tony and David for lots of fun at the Mallet Institute… only for the vibraphone near Dusseldorf. Be sure to be on the site between 21st -24th of February… and don’t miss the vibe hang on Sunday 24th!

The Importance of Posting

Hi everyone,

I've been starting to notice more and more people posting and asking questions. Please keep it coming!

When you post questions, this is a very big help for Tony, myself, and the other guys posting lessons on the site. Sometimes, it's hard for us to come up with ideas for lessons, and many times, the questions in posts gives us ideas for topics.

Even if you feel shy and don't want to post your playing, ask questions! This is a big help for us! Thanks!


TOTM - How Deep Is The Ocean - Build up Lines Technique. Pt 1 by dimitris angelakis

Hello everyone,
This is part 1 lesson about building lines. The whole idea is that using limitations in your solo is a goos way to get free!!!
In this lesson I start my lines with root, the third, the fifth and the seventh of the chord. So, if one bar is cmin7 I start with the root the first note and then at the second bar I play the note d (since my chord is d half and at the same bar the note g when it comes to g7).

Hope you find this interesting
